Why do we need this guidance?
Infinity Therapies understands that information that you give us is private and confidential. Having accurate and up-to-date information about you is essential in order to deliver a service that can meet your needs and wishes. As that information is very personal, it is important that it is only shared with people who really need to know it.
How will this happen?
Infinity Therapies keeps all the information and records it holds securely so that unauthorised persons cannot access them.
We will ask you or your representative for permission before giving information about you to anyone else. This usually happens only when the other person or organisation needs the information in order to provide you with the care or support you require.
We will be careful not to share information about you when we are talking informally with people who are not connected to you or the service. We will be careful not to talk about you in ways or places where we could be over heard by people who are not connected to you or the service. Information that you have given us in confidence will not be shared with your family or friends or anyone else against your wishes.
In certain very limited circumstances we may have to share information about you without your agreement. This would only be if it were essential for your safety or for the safety of others. In these circumstances we will explain to you in advance why we have to do this and what information we are providing. We will always record the circumstances and the information we have passed on.
We will give a copy of this policy to your relatives or friends and to other professionals and organisations that we work with so that they understand when we can or cannot give them personal information.
Client information is not stored online. All client information is stored securely in a locked filing cabinet.