"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence" Nikola Tesla
This creates a relaxing, quiet space for the horse enabling them to process past trauma and injury.
It is a gentle healing therapy that allows for the horse to work though clearing any issues that he/she may have and release them. Horses respond with a release showing signs of relaxation, closed eyes, licking, chewing, yawning, rolling etc.
This therapy involves various clearing & energizing techniques.
Bioelectricity is the electrical currents and electrical potentials generated by or occuring within living cells, tissues and organisms.
(From Principals of Regenerative Medicine (Third Edition)
Emmett Horse Practitioner - Professional Level 1 (EHP1), Human Emmett Technique Practitioner - Proffessional Level (EP3) Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Equine Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Reiki Practioner, Equine Reiki Practitioner, Animal Energy Healing as well as knowledge of the Meridian system and accupressure points.
Balancing the energy system as well as removing any energetic blockages and increasing the flow of energy through the body can be used to treat trauma and psychological wellbeing as well as physical issues.
* This treatment should not be used in place of vetenary care or medical advise given but should run alongside, offering additional support and healing. Please obtain consent from your vet prior to alternative therapy sessions.
By applying light pressure to specific points on the horse's body, the nervous system registers this information and the brain responds by sending new instructions back to affect the physical state of the body.
Although it is a non-invasive therapy, it can have a profound immediate impact on the posture and muscles of the horse.
This same system is used for Rider body balancing sessions.
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it....This is not philosophy, this is physics" Albert Einstein